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HR Planning




Various hiring options  allows  hiring managers  to reduce cost of payroll

The Different Types of Hires

Virtual Assistant, Contracted, Direct Hire




Virtual Assistant


Virtual Assistants are just like contracted workers, your company pays Silicon Staffing a service fee for a virtual assistant who will work for you but remain on our payroll. The difference between a Virtual Assistant and a contracted agreement is that, Virtual Assistants are hired in 4 hour blocks.


Meaning that your company purchased a 4 hour block of time from a virtual assistant of your choice. There is no liabilities or commitments beyond the 4 hours, if thats all the time it took to complete your work then great, we are happy that you were able to complete your task, there is no obligation beyond those 4 hours which you reserved.





Contracted workers remain on Silicon Staffing's payroll but they are contracted for a specific amount of time which it would complete a project or up to a 1 year, full-time or part-time contracts. The annual salary of these type of employees is paid at the time of the employee is contracted to Silicon Staffing. They can work onsite or virtually and this is the most recommended type of hire. The tax liability, risk liability, health insurance costs and turnover costs are minimized.



Direct Hire


Direct Hires are like traditional hires, except that we do all the work in finding, screening, interviewing, verifying and OnBoarding your new employee. They will be on your payroll and are your tax liability. They can work onsite or virtual, but in most cases, it is not recommended in todays employment climate as the tax burden, health insurance, along with additional HR risks are just not worth it. A contracted hire is your employee, taking part in your companies culture and success, the only difference is the logo on the pay stub!



|| Cost of Recruiting || Internal HR vs. External HR || Turnover Cost || What an Employee Really Costs || Virtual vs Traditional Salary Comparison ||


Virtual Staff Efficiency Report

Virtual Assistant vs Full Time Admin



Silicon Staffing Virtual Assistant vs Full Time Admin


Its in the numbers, pure and simply.


No magic tricks, no magic potions.


Yes of course transitioning from a tradional business model to a virtual model will take some effort and work, but the reduction to business overhead which is significantly reduced in the 2 areas where most business report the most expenses, Payroll and Real Estate, is too substancial to overlook.


The business model is no longer a Silicon Valley experiment, its a proven profitable business model assembled successfully in every industry.


$15 || Hourly Rate || $15

$5.25 || Employee Benefits || $0

$3.75 || Employee taxes || $0

$9 || Office Space/Materials/Equip || $0

$33 || Cost Per Hour || $15

$84,640 || Salary || $31,200

Why Does Virtual Staff Lower Business Overhead?



Virtual Staff Benefits CostSave Money

Consider Benefits, Insurance, Taxes, Real Estate


Virtual Staff Benefits Saving TimeSave Time

Be more Productive and Efficient, take advantage of 24/7 WorkForce


Virtual Staff Benefits Top Tier Talent Top Tier Talent

Dont be Limited to Local Talent and Local Cost of that Talent



Virtual Staff Benefits Reduce Risk

Reduce HR Risk & Cost

Every single Hire that your HR makes poses a risk to your business and brand reputation


Virtual Staff Benefits Focused StrategyFocused Strategy

Use Talent When and Where You Need, Plug in and Plug out the employees that perform best at each task.


Virtual Staff Virtual ManagementVirtual Project Management

Plan, assign, communicate, execute, test and employ.



Technology AdvancesVirtual Staff Tech Advances

Use Technology to enhance your business from top to bottom


Virtual Staff Reduced Company Risk and Liabilities

Minimize Company Wide Risk & Liability

From loses to bad hires to litigation, eliminate the possibility.